17 באוגוסט 2023
27/8 || הגשה לפסטיבל בחו״ל: Miami Women Film Festival | הטבה לחברים-ות: 35% הנחה
עד 27/8 | הגשה לפסטיבל בחו״ל: Miami Women Film Festival || חברי וחברות האיגוד זכאים-ות להנחה 35% הנחה
שם הפסטיבל:
Miami Women Film Festival is an online film and script competition. Every edition, the festival team nominates and promotes projects to film industry members through various digital platforms. Our team is passionate about the language of cinema and we believe in the power of women in film and media. Our festival provides a platform for independent women filmmakers to promote their work and receive recognition and support as indie filmmakers and artists. We are seeking talented female directors, producers, screenwriters, cinematographers and editors. We are seeking all genres which can inspire us and challenge us when it comes to the language of cinema. We are also looking for actresses to compete in our acting contest and receive further recognition on IMDb and through our platform. Miami Women Film Festival is an event dedicated to female voices.
Late Deadline
לינק להגשה: https://filmfreeway.com/MiamiWomenFilmFestival